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11 June 2024

50 Things I’ve Learned About Myself at 50

Today is my 50th Birthday. Here are 50 things I’ve learned

Reaching the milestone age of 50 is often a time of reflection and discovery. It’s a moment to look back at the journey so far and embrace the wisdom gained along the way. Here are 50 things I’ve learned about myself as I celebrate this significant birthday.

1. Self-Acceptance: I’ve learned to embrace who I am, flaws and all (it has taken most of those 50 years to get here!)

2. Gratitude: I find joy in the little things and appreciate every moment. I’ve really learned to appreciate a cool breeze, a burst of sun through the clouds, watching a dragonfly or hearing the birds sing.

3. Resilience: I’ve faced many challenges and emerged stronger each time. Some almost broke me, but I know now that I really can face anything.

4. Patience: Waiting for the right time often leads to the best outcomes. I’m still learning patience, if I’m honest.

5. Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges frees me to live more fully. Still learning this one too. I’m a work in progress!

one of the 50 things I've learned is Gratitude for the little things

6. Empathy: Understanding others’ perspectives enhances my relationships.

7. Self-Care: Prioritising my well-being is essential, not selfish.

8. Adaptability: I can handle change better than I ever thought possible.

9. Curiosity: Learning is a lifelong journey that keeps me young at heart. I love to learn! I usually have a couple of things on the go, and try to make sure it’s not all work-based learning. My learning-for-me learning is currently ceramics and Spanish, but not at the same time!

10. Humour: Laughter truly is the best medicine for almost any situation.

11. Boundaries: Setting limits is necessary for healthy relationships. Took me a long time to learn this one. Now I get it.

12. Authenticity: Being true to myself is far more fulfilling than trying to please others.

13. Time Management: Effective time management ensures I make the most of my days. I’ll be honest, whilst I’ve learnt the importance of time management, putting it into practice still isn’t my strong suit. I am getting better though.

14. Courage: Facing fears head-on has led to my greatest achievements.

15. Mindfulness: Being present in the moment enhances my daily life. It can be so satisfying even just to make a cuppa mindfully.

16. Purpose: Having a sense of direction gives my life meaning.

17. Kindness: Small acts of kindness can make a big difference.

18. Generosity: Sharing what I have, whether time, love, or resources, enriches my life.

19. Faith: Believing in something greater than myself provides comfort and strength. This is something I resisted for much of my life, but now it brings me comfort.

20. Joy: Finding happiness in everyday moments keeps my spirit uplifted.

21. Love: Loving and being loved is the essence of a fulfilling life. This is one that took a long time too.

22. Health: Taking care of my body is crucial for my overall well-being. I’ve been battling with chronic illness all of my life, but in the last year I’ve found what works for me for overall wellbeing, so that I can tackle the specifics more effectively.

23. Positivity: A positive outlook can transform even the toughest situations. Not always easy to remember though!

24. Balance: Balancing work, rest, and play leads to a more harmonious life. This is always a work in progress, but I think I do better than many. It tends to be the rest part of work, rest and play that misses out.

25. Wisdom: Age brings a depth of understanding that is invaluable.

26. Time: Time is precious, and how I spend it reflects my priorities.

27. Honesty: Being honest with myself and others builds trust and integrity.

28. Flexibility: Life doesn’t always go as planned, and that’s okay. Let’s be honest, does it ever go according to plan?

Adventure is one of the 50 things I'm embracing! Mahala and Alex in a cacao forest in Guatemala in March 2024

29. Adventure: Trying new things keeps life exciting and vibrant. I don’t think I’ve been very adventurous for most of my life, but that has been changing in the last few years.

30. Community: Surrounding myself with supportive people strengthens me. Strengthens me? I couldn’t manage without my tribe.

31. Creativity: Expressing myself through art, writing, or other mediums is therapeutic. It is! I’ve never been artistic – my art report said art was not my cup of tea, but I have found ways to express myself that I love, such as crochet and ceramics.

32. Listening: Truly listening to others is a gift that fosters deeper connections.

33. Humility: Recognising my limitations keeps me grounded. Never had much of a problem with this one. I’ve always been very aware of my limitations.

34. Simplicity: Simplifying my life brings clarity and peace. And this has become even more important to me this last year.

35. Responsibility: Taking responsibility for my actions empowers me.

36. Peace: Finding inner peace is a journey worth taking. So worth it.

37. Reflection: Reflecting on my experiences helps me grow. Another work in progress, but I have improved a lot.

38. Optimism: Believing in the best possible outcome shapes my reality. Well. On a good day.

39. Rest: Rest is essential for rejuvenation and maintaining my energy.

40. Joy of Giving: Giving without expecting anything in return is incredibly rewarding.

41. Independence: Being self-sufficient boosts my confidence. I heard for many, many years how I could not manage independently. Proving them wrong feels great (but for myself, not so I can rub it in their face)

42. Connection: Building meaningful relationships is more important than ever.

43. Spirituality: Nurturing my spiritual side brings me comfort and guidance. So much so that I’ve begun to help others do the same.

44. Perseverance: Persistence in the face of adversity leads to success. Persistent or obstinate? Hard to tell some days.

45. Empowerment: Empowering myself and others is a powerful force for good. It’s what my work is about, after all.

46. Legacy: Considering the legacy I want to leave helps guide my actions.

47. Self-Reflection: Regular self-reflection leads to continuous improvement.

48. Open-Mindedness: Staying open to new ideas and perspectives broadens my horizons.

49. Compassion: Showing compassion towards myself and others creates a kinder world.

Spirituality has become more important

50. Celebration: Celebrating milestones, big or small, adds joy to life. I love to celebrate! I’ve had a little bit of resistance to this celebrating this birthday if I’m honest, but I am celebrating

At 50, I realise that life is a beautiful blend of experiences, lessons, and growth. Embracing each discovery about myself has made the journey incredibly rewarding. Here’s to the next 50 years of learning, loving, and living fully!